So, it’s 2015.

So, it’s 2015.

Most people use the new year to develop a plan for a “better” self, a better me.  It makes sense, I suppose. It’s like making up your business plan at work—a guide to accomplishing all that we know we can do and need to do to move forward. What is it about this phenomenon of  New Year Resolutions that puts a bad taste in my mouth?

After some focused thinking on that, I think I know what it is . . . for me, there is some negative haze over the idea. What I hear is, How will I not be the slouch I was last year? My pondering had me feeling a touch defensive:  What do you mean, I’m a slouch—how dare you?

Aha—That’s it! There is that inferred odor of dissatisfaction with who I am. Do I really see myself that way? You know what? I really don’t. When I look back at 2014, I can certainly find things that I “coulda, shoulda, woulda” done better, but it was a terrific year with many accomplishments.

There were joyful moments and energizing circumstances that had my senses singing—yes, singing! That is one of the things I put back in my life in 2014. It makes me happy.

So, it’s 2015.


I’m going into this year with a list of last year’s accomplishments, and my senses tell me that I’ll move forward better, with that positivity, than with the next year’s list of “must do.”

Happy New Year! Do you make goals this time of the year? How do you view New Year’s?

This post was written by Program Coodinator Bernadine Mullin-Splude.

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