Virtual workshops: April 2015

Do you like saving money? If so, you will be interested in the April Virtual workshops.

April 22,at 7pm:  Scholarships—Finding the hidden dollar

In this workshop, you’ll be introduced to Brittany Palmer who funded her entire four-year post secondary education (and more!) with scholarships. She will give you the keys to writing a winning scholarship essay. Scholarships are for everyone from 16 to 96 … for college and university … from undergrad to graduate level. Limited spots available. After April 10, the registration for this workshop will be opened up to other CAF Communities. Click Here to register

April 28 at 7pm: CF1 Appreciation

Find out which Maritime companies are giving great discounts to Canadian Armed Forces and their families. Limited spots are available.  After April 15, the registration for this workshop will be opened up to other CAF Communities.
Click here to register 

Various Dates: What is a Virtual Classroom?

Come out and see first-hand at one of the many virtual classroom demonstrations being offered in April. For more information on dates and times, please contact Margaret MacKenzie at Virtual.MFRCPEI[at]gmail[dot]com
Virtual Programming brings quality programs and information to all CAF families regardless of their posted locations. Enjoy the connections!

This post was written by Virtual Program Coordinator, Margaret MacKenzie

One Reply to “Virtual workshops: April 2015”

  1. I am excited because we have many participants registered for the scholarship workshop. There are still a few more spots tavailable. We held a practise session and you will leave with tons of great information and resources. Please pass the word about both the scholarship and CF 1 Appreciation workshops. Virtual Programming bringing quality information all CAF families regardless of their posted location. Enjoy the Connections! CHeers Margaret

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